Ok I posted a dress from this company for $59 linden not long ago and now they have another bundle.. tons of tank tops, pants and shorts.. all mesh! And also only $59L! I can't explain, just.. go look, and take advantage of this incredible price! -- Oh! And did I mention it's mesh?!
Visit the item on the marketplace >>here<<
Another incredible deal!
Complete Avatar sets @ Cupcake 50L TONIGHT only
Cupcake avatar kits are on sale for 50L for Tonight ONLY. They include the skins + tattoos, shape, eyes, lingerie, swimwear and dresses (mesh) shown.
One Voice
Being that I wore Curio skins for a long period of time, this is very near and dear to my heart. Curio has been wrongly accused of copy-write infringement by someone who stole skins from not only her, but League and other designers as well.. and the court costs are expensive! So, there's been a sim donated and a long list of designers participating to help raise money for her court costs.. The story and sim information can be found here.
While roaming the sim, I happened across these amazing deals from Halia's Fashion. Take a look at the following pics.. both only $100 linden each for all those options and designs! Certainly worth the money, plus it's great to be able to contribute to Curio and her business!
*katatonik* group gift
It's a $250 join fee, but totally worth it for the awesome gifts put out. This one is a cute little bra and pantie set that couldn't be more girlie! Head on over to *katatonik* to get yours!