Travel with me on my journey of the grid to find the best freebies/dollarbies/deals SL has to offer!

Some non hunt related finds

From Sentou Yousei come these gorgeous boots/shoes available in their lucky chairs.. I counted 4 chairs in all and they are pretty well camped so they generally flip pretty quick.

Steel Toed Granny Boots


Valentine Heart Boots

Ceasar's Bizantine Pumps

Group Gifts from :::LiNe:::

If you have not joined the *+Copain group+*, I highly suggest that you do. It is a one time fee to join but it is more than worth it.. Head over to ++Love Soul++ to join.
Here's some hair and nails for group members only.

Will post more later!!

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okrebecca said...

arggh i must be blind because i am in the catwalk store and DO not see a yellow GLhunt box. found the lips easily enough but i and losing my mind now.

Honey Hoffman said...

ugh I just went back to find it and I swear it was there! There's a sign saying they are a part of it but I couldn't find the box for the life of me.. I think something happened and it was returned.. perhaps not properly group marked or something but it wasn't there anymore..

Im so sorry! I'm sure it'll be fixed shortly. I IM'd the store owner and let her know it's gone AWOL.

Honey Hoffman said...